Intensive Meditation Camp

We will be conducting an Intensive Meditation Camp (Sadhana Shivir) for those interested in going deeper into their personal meditation practice.

The opportunity to meditate for long periods in nature with other spiritual aspirants will greatly enhance your personal spiritual practices. As we are usually preoccupied with pressure of work and family an occasional retreat from our busy lives will give us the re-charge we need to stay healthy and happy.

The program will have the additional presence of three other spiritual teachers from Korea who are in their home country due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Don’t miss this rare chance to meditate with several long practicing monks and nuns.

Cost for the weekend program in 50,000 Won. Kindly deposit 20,000 Won into our account to reserve your place as accommodation is limited.

Our account details are:

Account Name: Korea Ananda Marga Yoga

Account Number: 351-0885-1880-53

Bank Name: Nong Hyup

Below is the schedule:

Intensive Meditation Camp Schedule
Saturday10.00Class: Science of Mind
12.00Free Time
12.30Kiirtan, Meditation
2.30Free Time
3.00The Importance of Spiritual Practice in Daily Life
4.00Asana Class
5.00Intensive Meditation Session
8.00Reading, Inspirational Talk
8.30Light Dinner
9.30Free Time
10.00Avarta Kiirtan
Sunday4.30Wake Up, Half Bath
5.30Akhanda Kiirtan
8.30Reading, Inspirational Talk
10.00Class: Glimpses of a Mystery-A Great Master's Life and Mission.
11.30Free Time
12.00Intensive Meditation Session
2.00Asana Class

Registration Form

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