
Nature Meditation

Meditation is the yoga practice that helps a person to develop mentally and spiritually. There are many forms of meditation, but the meditation taught by Ananda Meditation Center is based on the principle “as you think so you become”. In meditation one should concentrate one’s mind on a positive and uplifting thought. If one does this on a regular basis it leads to a profound state of peace and harmony.

Our instructors, who have years of experience, will show you how to meditate using proven techniques that will enable you to withdraw your mind from the distractions of the “outside” world and concentrate within.

Meditation quiets the central nervous system, lowers blood pressure by as much as 20% and has a profound effect on physical health. In addition the regular practice of meditation builds up a person’s capacity to pay attention and learn anything, making it the best form of mental exercise.

As the mind is drawn within we experience a deeper sense of peace and harmony with life by concentrating on the infinite. With a calm body, a controlled mind and a blissful spirit, we become more ideal human beings, who are ready to render dynamic social service to the world.

We teach authentic yogic meditation for free. As the student progress higher lessons are given. Each Saturday collective meditation is held at our centre and we hold intensive meditation seminars on a regular basis.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Effective in the treatment of insomnia, hypertension, migraine and tension headaches
  • Natural tool for overcoming stress
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Induces state of deep relaxation


  • Improves memory and concentration
  • Brings mental clarity
  • Produces feelings of mental peace
  • Produces emotional well being
  • Helps in overcoming petty anxieties
  • Enables one to remain calm in the midst of confusion
  • Creates a positive self image
  • Makes one cheerful and positive—develops a healthy mental attitude
  • Attains greater self-control
  • Helps in overcoming superiority complex or inferiority complex


  • Changes one’s outlook on life to be more positive, caring and compassionate
  • Creates feeling of bliss and well being
  • One gains deeper understanding of oneself beyond the superficial
  • Produces sense of meaning
  • Connects one to the higher consciousness
  • Develops sense of detachment from problems of life